Cookies policy

RCC tends to build strong and transparent relationships with its customers. Moreover, we published our cookies statement to provide a clear vision of the use of cookies، Kindly feel free to contact us for any further information about the use of cookies.

1. What are cookies

Cookies are small files downloaded on your device to collect information once you enter a new website. Cookies come in different types to require a certain value. Generally, cookies are used to improve the personal experience based on your preferences and internet behaviors. 
Cookies collect not only personal information but also navigation and general information. As well as, RCC ensures the full protection of the customers’ personal information as listed in our privacy policy.

2. What are the benefits of cookies?

Cookies collect data to maintain an efficient experience, and function and enable you to make use of the services we provide. it also improves our products and services by personalizing and optimizing your experience on our website. As well as we use several cookies for advertising purposes.

3. Types of cookies

1- Temporary cookies: collect information about your activities for as long as you are on the website. The cookies are deleted once you close your web browser. 

2- Permanent cookies: remain in operation even after you close your web browser, as it remains on your device until deleted. 

4. Can cookies be erased or blocked? 

You can delete or erase the use of cookies while navigating, but some of our services will be prevented. The stopping of Cookies will require your information at every website visit, according to prevent the save of data. 

5. Contact us

Kindly feel free to contact us for any further information about the collected data or the use of cookies.